BBQ Chicken Pizza

Homemade pizza.... delicious, and in many cases, cheaper than buying it! Well, unless you get the Little Caesar's $5 Hot and Ready, (which is a good deal) but that one definitely isn't the most delicious pizza out there. My favorite pizza to make myself is BBQ Chicken Pizza. I got the idea from my sister. She actually makes her own dough, and it's delicious, (I really need to put that recipe on here) but I only make my own dough maybe 1 out of every 5 times. I am so lazy when it comes to making my own bread. Seriously. My poor KitchenAid really needs more love.

Anyway, I bought my dough from the store. Only a couple dollars. As for the rest of the recipe, I just kind of throw my ingredients on the dough. I cook a couple of chicken breasts in BBQ sauce, cut it up into pieces, and then spread these ingredients on the pizza in this order:

BBQ sauce
mozzarella cheese (I just used the grated kind from the store)
red onion

The Pioneer Woman has a similar recipe which you can find here. She uses a little less BBQ sauce and also adds cilantro.

I add a TON of chicken to make sure that one pizza will be enough for us for dinner as well as provide enough leftovers for my husband for lunch the next day. We are always happy with this pizza. Super good.

Dip it in Ranch dressing for an extra kick.

BBQ Chicken Pizza BBQ Chicken Pizza Reviewed by Carly on 10:20:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. yum! but would be better on my dough, for sure. :)
    i made the broccoli soup was ok. it's definitely the best one i've had, but i just HATE the stuff so it is hard for me to get over...

    1. Haha I know what you mean about the soup.
      And the pizza would be amazing on your dough- I need to get over my laziness!
