James's Salsa

I absolutely love chips and salsa. I could eat them forever. My stomach turns into a bottomless pit when I'm eating them. Kinda bad, I know. Why doesn't that ever happen when I'm eating broccoli or spinach? Anyway, I haven't ever really bought a salsa from the store that I loved. There are several okay ones, but all the best salsas seem to come from restaurants.... or are homemade. Here is the best homemade recipe for salsa that I've had so far. It comes from James, who sits next to my husband at work and was kind enough to give us his salsa recipe. Gracias James!

James's Salsa

4 cans petite diced tomatoes
1 can (8 oz) diced jalapenos (for heat)
1 can (8 oz) diced green peppers
2 fresh green jalapenos, seeded and diced
4 green onions, sliced or diced for preference
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
1 sprinkle of lime juice
salt & pepper (freshly ground if possible)

Mix everything in a bowl, or blend it up. Eat.

*Strain the canned jalapenos for less heat, or throw out completely for a no-heat garden salsa.
*If blending, do NOT include the cilantro. (It gets bitter). Put it in after.
*Will keep for one week but try to eat within first few days.
*For guacamole, add one spoonful of salsa per avocado and mash and mix.

This recipe makes a LOT of salsa, FYI. I didn't realize how much until I was done. So, feel free to half the recipe if you're not throwing a party or feeling like you want to give salsa to your neighbors. And yes, this salsa is pretty dang good. I blended mine and the consistency was perfect. I probably could have chopped up the cilantro better at the end, but I got lazy. Whatever- still tasted great!

James's Salsa James's Salsa Reviewed by Carly on 10:25:00 PM Rating: 5

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